By Ruth M Garcia-Marmolejos
Chapter 17
The Wedding part-II
Yurania Ylang and River recited their wedding vows, the ceremony was concluded and the bride and groom kissed. Everyone then went to the reception, being held at the big house, under a large tent in the garden. Everything had been decorated beautifully. Christmas flowers decorated the surroundings of the reception area. The bridal table was beautifully decorated with souvenirs, with glass bells, and glass bride and groom figurines dancing together, white glass balls hanging from the roof, white candles on top of the tables adorned with white Christmas flowers, and bright lights around the table. The cake was exquisite, a four tier cake with a bridge on top and a small gazebo holding the bride and groom dolls. The bridal party dolls were delicately placed on stairs leading to the bottom of the cake. The cake had glass pearls around it, and the guest tables had lights around the table covers. The entire guests were seated and the bridal music began. The bridal party entered and paraded to the tables, and the announcer introduced the Bridal couple who began to dance to the wedding waltz. Yurania Ylang’s parents then danced with the bride and groom, then Drone and Yamarah cut in to dance with the married couple. Everyone then began to dance, and were enjoying themselves.
Yurania Ylang and River were overwhelmed and happy to finally be married.
“I can’t believe that we are now husband and wife.” River said. “I remember the first time that I heard your voice Ylang, I felt a thump in my heart. When I regained my eyesight and did not see you, I thought that the world had crumbled beneath me. Now you are my wife.”
“Yes my loving husband.” Yurania Ylang said. “I remember you sitting on the bench every night. I fell in love with you when I saw you. I felt selfish when I found out that you were going to be able to see again. I thought that once you saw how fat I was, you would not want me. Our love is pure and clean. I am so glad that we are finally husband and wife. I love you so much.”
The music stopped, and Yurania Ylang walked to the platform where the musicians were, faced the musicians and threw the bridal bouquet over her head. One of the bridesmaids caught it. River then led Yurania Ylang to a chair where Yuraia Ylang sat down. One of the bridegrooms kneeled in front of Yurania Ylang, as Cachita put a blindfold on Yurania Ylang’s face. Once River knew that Yurania Ylang could not see, he switched places with the bridegroom. River proceeded to move his hands over Yurania Ylang’s leg to remove the garter from her leg. River started caressing Yurania Ylang’s thighs slowly as he took the garter off. Yurania Ylang thought that it was the bridegroom’s hand moved it away, and took off the blindfold. Everyone began to laugh when Yurania Ylang realized that it was River removing the garter.
River then faced the musicians and threw the garter over his head. One of the young men at the reception caught the garter and put it on the bridesmaid who had caught the bouquet as it is the custom. River and Yuraia Ylang cut a piece of the wedding cake and gave each other a piece. The souvenirs were handed out, and everyone toasted to the wedded couple.
River and Yurania Ylang changed clothes; it was time for them to go on their honeymoon. River and Yurania Ylang kissed their parents Good-bye, got on their car and left for their honeymoon. Everyone else continued to enjoy the reception.
All of a sudden, Brutus appeared growling, and the guests were frightened. “Do not be frightened.” Drone said. “That is my bear friend Brutus. What’s the matter Brutus? Why are you growling, interrupting, and frightening the guests?”
All of a sudden Brutus’s family began to run and Brutus followed them.
“Mommy, mommy look!” Rosina cried. “Look up in the sky, there’s fire!”
Cachita and everyone looked up and saw balls of flames in the sky. Everyone was terrified; Drone asked them all to be calm, but as the flames hit the ground the earth began to explode. Drone then realized that there was danger. He advised everyone to get in their cars and follow him. Paulie and Cachita carried their girls to the limousine, followed by Cachita’s parents, Paulie’s parents, Ian and his family followed, Yamarah and Yurania Ylang’s family went with Drone, and everyone else followed them.
“Where are we going Drone?” Yamarah asked. “What is going on?”
The homes and everything began to burn. Everything was dark.
There were cars exploding, people screaming and running from the flames. No one knew what was happening.
“I m going to lead everyone that we can into the cave.” Drone said. “This is either meteors falling from the sky or missiles being thrown. We have no time to waste; we must get out of here.”
Drone stopped in front of the cave and said. “Every one, please follow Paulie into the cave. Do not ask questions.
Paulie picked the torches and lit them, everyone followed them.
“Hurry, Paulie.” Drone said. “We must get as many of these people inside the cave before the entrance is sealed.”
Everyone ran as fast as they could. Ian and the other men made torches and lit them to light the way out of the cave. Everyone followed directions until they got to the other side of the cave. The fireballs kept falling, burning and destroying everything in the way. Drone knew that it would be minutes before the cave entrance would be sealed and ran inside the cave
“Drone, please help me!” Yamarah screamed.
Drone thought that Yamarah had already entered the cave. “Yamarah, is that you?” Drone asked. “Where are you?”
“I am here next too the entrance.” Yamarah cried. “I sprained my ankle and cannot walk.”
Drone went outside the cave and saw Yamarah. “Hold on, I’m coming to get you.” Drone screamed.
Drone ran to get Yamarah and a ball of fire fell in front of the cave. Drone picked Yamarah up, and carried her across the fire and into the cave. Just as Drone went into the cave, the rocks began to fall, sealing the entire entrance to the cave.
Ian and Andric had walked back to make sure that everyone was safe, saw when Drone ran inside the cave and the rocks sealed the entrance leaving many other people behind.
“Drone, Yamarah, are you alright?” Ian asked.
“My ankle sprained as I was running to get into the cave.” Yamarah replied.
“What were you still doing out there?” Drone asked. “I thought you were with Paulie.”
I was waiting to see if I would see River and Yuraia Ylang.” Yamarah replied.
“My God, my son is still out there! He is supposed to be going on his honeymoon and this horrible thing happens. I have lost my son!”
Yamarah began to cry inconsolably. Drone did not know what to say.
“What is happening?” Yamarah cried. “Where did those fireballs come from?”
“Let’s just continue to go to the other side my love.” Drone said.
Ian and Andric helped Drone to carry Yamarah. Brutus appeared and stood I front of them, licking Yamarah. Drone understood that Brutus wanted Yamarah to get on top of him so that he could carry her across the cave. The men helped Yamarah to get on top of Brutus and they continued to go across the cave.
Everyone had finally crossed the cave and were on the other side, waiting for Drone. Paulie’s parents had been right not to move to the city, they still had their house, where they, Paulie, Cachita, and the twins were able to live.
Drone and Yamarah then led the others to the big house that he had built next to their cabin. Those who had never been to the other side of the cave were surprised.
“I know that many of you are surprised to see this part of the country” Drone said “I I was surprised when I accidentally walked into the cave many years ago. I will explain all about it when we are all relaxed and settled. I do not know what has happened and am shocked. I am sorry for those of you who were unable to bring your loved ones. Our Son River and his wife Yurania Ylang were just married; they were on their way to their honeymoon. We do not know how they are. We do not know where those fireballs came from. Maybe it was a meteor that fell on earth or missiles thrown by enemies. Whatever it is, the cave entrance has been sealed and this will be our new home. You can all stay at the big house until we can build new homes and start our new world here. Now let us go inside the house, my staff will help all of you to get settled and tomorrow we will start building our new world.”
Everyone walked inside the house, and settled down for the night, wondering what had happened.
Did River and Yurania Ylang survive? Is this the end of the world on the other side of the cave? You shall find out when RIVER part III, continues.