Friday, October 28, 2011

RIVER-Chapter-7-The party

BY Ruth M Garica-Marmolejos
Chapter 7
The Party
It was the day of the party, and everything was in order. The party was at the house in the parlor. There was a long table near the wall, with different kind of food, pastries and a big cake in the middle. Paulie was overwhelmed. “Everything is so nice.” Paulie said. “The decorations, the food, the cake, a lot of people are here already. There are a lot of pretty girls too. I wonder where Cachita is.”
“I am right here.” Cachita said. “I just came from the kitchen making sure everything is alright, but father told me to come out and enjoy the party. Father is taking care of everything.”
When Paulie saw Cachita, his eyes lit, with a smile Paulie said. “Cachita, you look beautiful.”
“Thank you.” Cachita said. “You look very handsome yourself. Where is River?”
“River is still upstairs.” Paulie replied. ”I think he is nervous about meeting people. Drone will go up to get him.”
“My friends are coming and I want you and River to meet them,” Cachita said. “Can you dance Paulie?”
“A little.” Replied Paulie. I learned at home with my father. I don’t now if it is the same here, but I am a fast learner if you teach me.”
Cachita led Paulie to the dance floor and said. “It is slow music, so it is easy, listen to the music and it will guide you.”
Paulie put his arms around Cachita’s small waist, and Cachita put one arm around Paulie’s shoulder, and they began to dance.
River walked down the stairs and into the parlor. Drone introduced River to all the guests and Paulie walked over and said. “River the place looks very nicely decorated, if there is anything you want to know or need, let me know.”
“Thank you Paulie.” River said. “Go and enjoy yourself with Cachita, I will take care of myself. I think I am going outside for some fresh air . I know my way around.”
River went outside, He walked to the garden, then went toward the big oak tree near the gate. River sat on the oak wood bench that was around the tree. Rivers mind wondered, thinking of the day that he could see again.
“Why are you not inside at the party?” A young woman said with a soft voice.
“Who is there?” River said. “I don’t believe I know you, I have never heard your voice.”
“I am nobody.” The young woman said. “I live in the village , I see you and your friend every day since the first day you came here. I also know that you are blind.”
“Why are you not at the party? River asked.
“Cachita invited me” The young girl said. “But I do not have the proper clothing to wear. I also have another problem and cannot go.”
“Your voice sounds so sweet.” River said. “Will you stay with me, we can talk for a little while. What is that perfume you are wearing? It smell so delicate and nice, What is your name?”
“Yes, I will stay.” The young girl said. “But only for a little bit, before my parents miss me. The scent you are smelling is a cologne I make, with different kind of flowers. What name would you like to call me?”
“I will call you Ylang.” River said. “Can you describe yourself to me?”
Footsteps were heard, it was Paulie and Cachita. “
“There he is.” Paulie said. “River, we have been looking for you. Cachita’s friend have arrived and want to meet you.”
“ I was talking with this girl here with me,” River said
“What girl?” Paulie asked. “I see no one else here with you. Come on, let’s go inside.”
River could not understand why the girl he named Ylang disappeared, he knew she was for real, and also hoped he would hear from her again. They all went back to the house and Cachita introduced River to her friends. Pamela one of Cachita’s friend asked River to dance with her. “I do not dance much, so if I step on your toes, my apologies.” River said.
River dance and tried to enjoy the night but he could not stop thinking about Ylang. Jon, one of Cachita’s friend, was not too happy with River. He felt that the girls were too friendly with River.
“What is it with you girls?” Jon asked Pamela. “He is a blind guy, he can’ see, everyone is making a big fuss because heis blind.”
Pamela looked at Jon and said. “Jon, please don’t tell me that you are jealous of River. We have to be polite, Cachita is our friend. River may be blind, but he is very handsome and sweet.”
The party ended, and everyone went home.
The following evening River went to the tree where he met Ylang, sat down on the bench, and waited to see if Ylang would return to talk with him. A while passed and River thought Ylang forgot about him and would not show up, when he got up, to go back to the house, he heard Ylang’s voice say, “Hello River, I am glad to see u again. I was going to come sooner, but I had to finish my chores at home. I did not know if you were going to be here either.”
River smiled, and said. “I thought your had forgotten about me, you left so unexpectedly. I am glad you came back. Let’s sit down and talk. Why did you leave without saying good bye?”
“I am sorry River.” Ylang replied. “I had to leave, it was late, besides I was not properly dressed to meet other people.”
River and Ylang met every night, they enjoyed each others company.
“The doctor called Drone today.” River said, “I have an appointment tomorrow to hear the results of the eye tests. I am very nervous. I will let you know the results when I return.”
“Don’t be nervous River.” Ylang said. “ I am sure the results will not be bad. Have faith, the doctor will help you get your eyesight back. I will be here tomorrow night to hear what the doctor said. Good night” Ylang gave River a soft kiss on his lips and left.
River was surprised and so happy, that he ran to the house, went to his room and jumped into the bed swooning and sighing.
The following day, Drone took River to the doctor. They sat down and waited for the doctor to call River. Minutes later the receptionist told River that the doctor was going to see him. Drone and River got up and walked Into the doctor’s office. The Doctor told them to sit down and said, “River we found that a blood vessel in your eyes, is blocked, and blood circulation to the retina was significantly disrupted. When this happens, the eye typically loses vision, often suddenly. Most probably the blow in your head when you fell, caused this, and since it has been a long time, I do not know the extent of the damage I will prepare your for surgery as soon as possible.”
“Will I be able to see again?” River asked
“I cannot guarantee that at the moment,“ The doctor said. “We will have to wait until the operation is done.”
“How soon is, as soon as possible?” River asked. “Can you do it tomorrow?”
“How about two days from now?” The doctor said. “That will give me time to prepare.”
“Two days is fine.” Drone replied. “The sooner the better.”
Drone took River home and everyone was informed about the surgery.
“River, you will see again.“ Paulie said. “Have faith that all will be OK.”
Everyone ate dinner and River walked out the door.
“River, where are you going?” Paulie asked. “You disappear mysteriously every evening, and when you come back, you go straight to your room.”
“I am going to talk with my friend under the tree, near the gate entrance.” River replied. “She is very nice and we like to talk to each other.”
“A friend? You have a female friend?” Paulie asked. “How come I have never seen her? Do we know her?”
“Yes, I have a female friend.” River replied. “I met her on the night of the party. She says she is Cachita’s friend. Cachita had invited her to the party, but she could not attend, ask Cachita.”
“Does your friend have a name?” Paulie asked. “I will ask Cachita.”
“I call her Ylang.” River replied. “ I got to go now Paulie, I will see you later.”
River left and Paulie went to find Cachita.
Ylang was waiting for River sitting on the bench under the tree. “Well what did the doctor say?” Ylang asked. “Will you see again?”
Revier repied. “The doctor said something about a blood clot of some kind, and he will be operating on me in two days. We will not know if I will see again until after the surgery. It seems it has been a long time since I fell, and the doctor does not know how much damage there is. Oh well, I have been blind this long, a couple of days more won’t matter. I also have to accept the fact, that if the operation does not help I will never see again.”
“Don’t give up River.” Ylang said. “You are strong and will see again. If not, I will always be with you.”
“Will you go back with me, to my home, Ylang?” River asked. “I know we do not know each well, but I think I am falling in love with you. You don’t have to answer right now, you can make your mind up after the operation. I am sorry if I am making you feel uncomfortable. Maybe you do not want to live with a blind man.”
“Shhh! River.” Ylang interrupted. “Let’s take it a day at a time. I said I will not leave you, but I do not know if I can go anywhere right now. Just concentrate on having the surgery done.”
“River are you there?” Paulie interrupted. “Cachita is with me what did you say your friend’s name is?”
“I call her Ylang.” River replied, “She is here next to me..” Turning to talk to Ylang, River said. “You know, you have not given me your real name Ylang.”
“Who are you talking to River?” Cachita asked. “There is no one else here.”
Once again Ylang disappeared.
“I am talking to my friend Ylang.” River said. “She was here a moment ago. We talk with each other every night. I wonder why she leaves every time someone comes.”
“Maybe the girl is shy and does not want to meet us yet.” Cachita said. “I have to tell you, River, I do not have any friend with the name Ylang.”
“I will ask Ylang why she does not want to meet you.” River said.
“Mysterious girl.” Paulie said.
“Come on, let’s go inside the house.” River said.
The following day, Ylang did not show up to talk with River. “Maybe Ylang got scared when I asked her to go home with me.” River said to himself. “Or maybe she is scared that I will not see again. Whatever her reason is, I will wait to find out after the operation.
The day of the surgery arrived, and Andric drove Drone and River to the hospital. Paulie and Cachita went with them. River was very scared.
River was taken to his room, and the nurses prepared him for the surgery.
Will the operation be a success? Will River see again?
Stay tuned for Chapter 8

Thursday, October 20, 2011

RIVER-Chapter-6-River's first visit to the City and Doctor

By Ruth M Garcia-Marmolejos
Chapter 6
River’s first trip to the City and Doctor
Andric drove to the city and parked at the entrance of the hospital.
“I will call you when we are finished here Andric” Drone said. “Then you can drive us to the stores. I want to get some more clothes for the boys. I am also taking them to eat.”
“Yes Sir.” Andric said. “I hope the Doctor can help the boy regain his eyesight.”
Drone and the boys got out of the car and walked inside the hospital. Drone had made an appointment with an eye specialist. When they got to the doctors office, Drone gave the receptionist all of River’s information and sat down in the waiting room. Paulie had been looking at everything, the big buildings, the many cars, the many people in the street, he was amazed. “Wow! I am so glad I came.” Paulie said, “I have never seen so many people in one place. Everything is so different. River, why are you so quiet?”
“Paulie, you forget that I can’t see.” River replied.
“No, I have not forgotten.” Paulie said. “I just want to tell you everything I see, so you know, like I do at home. When the doctor helps, get your eyesight back, you will see for yourself, then I wont have to tell you.”
“I m sorry Paulie.” River said, “I am just so nervous, what if the doctor says I can’t get my eyesight back?”
“You will my friend.” Paulie said. “Besides, so far you have lived and done good without your sight. Your other senses are better than mine. Be patient.”
“Mr. Drone.” The receptionist called. “The doctor is ready for you, Pease go in.”
“Let’s go River.” Drone said. “The doctor will see you now.”
Drone led River into the doctor’s office, Paulie stood outside to wait for them.
The doctor then helped River sit on a chair and examined him. “Drone, we have to do more tests.” The doctor said. “You said River lost his eyesight after he fell down and hit his head on a rock when he was a little boy. We have to take x-rays and do a full examination, before I can give you any more information”
“Will I see again doctor?” River asked. “Please tell me you will help me see again.”
“I will see what I can do River.” The doctor said. “Let’s wait until we get more test results. Drone, bring him back in two days, I will have everything ready for him”
Drone thanked the doctor, and led River to the reception room, where Paulie was waiting for them.
“What did the doctor say? Paulie asked. “Will he help you to see again?”
River told Paulie what the doctor had said, and Drone took them outside to wait for Andric.
Andric arrived, everyone got in the car and drove to the Mall. Drone and the boys got out and Andric left. “Where are we?” River asked.
“We are at the Mall.” Drone replied. “There are many different stores, places to eat, and a game room. I am going to buy some clothes for both of you and me.
There are a lot of people here, so we have to stay together. I do not want you boys to get lost. Come we will go to the Boys store first.”
Paulie was amazed, he had never been to a Mall, or seen so many stores in one place. River had never heard so many different noises in his life. As they kept walking, River began to get familiar with the noises and surroundings. River was a very intelligent young man. Drone bought the boys more clothes, shoes and a Jacket, in case it got cold, he also got himself some clothing. After walking around the mall, on their way to the car, Drone stopped at a telephone store and bought a new cellular phone. Drone also taught Paulie and River, how to use the phone. River used his sense of touch and hearing to learn how to use the phone. Drone taught the boys many things they did not know about, living on the other side of the cave.
“This place is so nice.” Paulie said. “I can live here forever. Next year I will be an adult and can come back to stay. If you get your eyesight back, River you too can live here if you want. Oh heck you can live here even if you can’t see, but I know you will see again.”
Everyone went back to the car and Andric drove home.
Cachita was waiting outside. “How was your trip to the city boys?” Cachita asked. “Did the doctor examine you River?”
“It was awesome.” Paulie said. “I have never seen so many stores people and cars in my life, matter of fact, I ain’t ever seen so much stuff in my life. I loved it. I’m considering moving here in the future,”
“How about you River?” Cachita asked. “Did you enjoy yourself? What did the doctor say?”
“The doctor said, that I need more tests.” River said. “To see if the doctor can help me to get my eyesight back. There was so much noise at the Mall. I am not used to hearing so many different noises, but I got used to it after a while. I even learned how to use the cellular phone. I can’t wait to get those tests and find out if I will see again.”
“Boys, go upstairs and refresh yourselves.” Drone said. “You both have had a very exciting and adventurous day. You can come back down, have a snack and talk more if you like. Cachita, there is something I bought for you, it is in the car with the other packages. Andric will give it to you when he brings the everything inside. You are my best friends daughter and a wonderful girl, you deserve a gift.”
“Thank you Drone.” Cachita said. “What is it?”
“You will have to find out for yourself, child” Drone replied.
Cachita ran outside before Andric was able to take the packages inside. Andric gave Cachita, the package Drone had bought for her. Cachita ran to her room, opened the package, and it was a beautiful strapless, chiffon tieback dress, with a rosette pleated skirt, in multi black and teal colors. There was also a pair of glitter pumps and a purse matching the shoes, and a flower barrette for her beautiful long and dark brown silky hair. Cachita ran downstairs and hugged and kissed drone. “Thank you, thank you Drone.” Cachita said. “Everything is beautiful. But why a dress? I have no where to go, to wear such a pretty outfit.”
“I am glad you like it.” Drone said. “We are going to have a party for the boys. I am inviting my friends, and I want you to wear the dress and everything that I bought for you to the party. Now go put it away and I will give the staff, all the instructions and plans. The party will be next Saturday, you can also invite your friends to meet River and Paulie.”
Cachita went to put her new clothes away and tell the members of the staff about the party.
“Did you hear that River?” Paulie said. “A party for us. Holy Molly, Geezus, Wow! I hope we get to meet pretty girls. River what is the matter? You do not seem happy, you look preoccupied.”
“ I am happy about the party and all,” River said. “I am trying to get familiar with the surroundings, all of this is new to me. I am also nervous about the tests. Tell me, what Cachita looks like, you have described all to me, except Cachita.”
“Cachita is very pretty.” Paulie said. “She has long, dark brown silky hair, hazel brown eyes, she is petite, slim, 17 years old, and has a beautiful smile, that hypnotizes me.”
“You sound like you like Cachita.” River said. “It’s OK, Paulie, you can tell me, ha, ha!”
“Yes, I do.” Paulie said.” Please don’t tell Drone or anyone.”
“OK, it will be our secret.” River said.
The boys went upstairs, took a shower, changed clothes, and went downstairs.
Drone , was outside on the porch, eating cheese, chips and dip, and iced tea. “Come sit down boys.” Drone said. “Have some cheese, chips and dip, and Iced tea. I wonder where Brutus is, he probably found some bear friend.”
Two days later, Drone took River to the Doctor’s appointment. Paulie wanted to stay home and get acquainted with the land outside of Drones house. Cachita accompanied Paulie.
Different tests were given to River, MRI, scans, blood tests, and other sorts of tests.
After all the tests were done, the doctor gave River another appointment to give him the results. River was restless, he wanted to know the results right away, he did not want to wait any longer. “Well, I have to know for sure before I give you any news about regaining your eyesight River.” The Doctor said. “I do not want to give you any false hope, but I do promise to help you. It’s only a couple of days more.”
“Be patient my friend.” Drone said. “We will find out soon enough. In the mean time try to enjoy yourself.”
Drone took River home.
What will the tests say? Be patient dear reader.
Stay tune for chapter 7

Thursday, October 13, 2011

RIVER-Chapter 5-The trip to the other side

By Ruth M Garcia-Marmolejos
Chapter 5
The trip to the other side
Drone shone the torch on the beast who then jumped on him. “Brutus, what are you doing here?” Drone asked. “You have to go back home, now go!”
Brutus just swung sideways like trying to let Drone know that he wanted to tag along.
“ I guess you want to see where you were born.” Drone said. “Maybe you will find your family. OK, you can come along, but you have to stay in the mountains. People are afraid of bears, especially black ones. Wild animals are not allowed in the city, they will take you to the zoo and put you in a cage.
“Whew!” Paulie exclaimed. “You scared the daylights out of me.”
“Come on, let’s keep walking.” Drone said. “I want to get to the other side before it gets dark.”
Drone, Paulie, River, and Brutus kept walking, until finally, Drone saw the light leading to the opening of the cave. Turning the torch off and hanging it on the wall next to the exit, Drone said, “Wait! Let me look outside to make sure it is safe to go out there. I don’t want to walk into a storm.”
Drone walked outside and saw that is was nice and sunny, walked back to the cave and said. “OK, let’s go. I have a house in the woods, I bought many years ago, when I first visited there. I like having a place to stay whenever I come back here. Brutus can stay in the woods and no one will bother him.”
They all walked out of the cave, there was a dirt road leading to the woods. Drone led everyone to the house he had in the woods. The house was surrounded by a tall black iron fence. There was a big gate with an intercom on one side. Drone took out a small remote, pressed it and the gate opened automatically.
“Wow! How did you do that?” Asked Paulie. “Is it magic?”
Drone laughed and said. ”No, this is called a remote control, it is run by electricity. When I push the button, the gate opens and closes. The thing that looks like a radio on the fence, is called an intercom. You press the buttons on the side and you can talk to the person inside the house, who presses the button in the intercom in the house, to let you in. They can also talk back to you, watch!” Drone pressed the button in the intercom and a voice was heard asking. “Who is it?”
“It’s me Drone, I have guest with me.” Drone replied. I will walk to the house, no need to send the chauffer to pick us up.”
“Yes Sir.” The voice replied.
“Who is that?” Paulie asked.
“It’s my Butler.” Drone replied.
“What’s a butler?” Paulie asked.
Drone replied. “A butler is a head servant who tells other servants what to do.”
“Wow! You have servants too? Are you rich? Paulie asked. “Do you hear that River?”
“Yes Paulie.” River replied I heard everything.”
“OK, Let’s go to the house.” Drone said.
Drone led the boys to the house and Brutus followed them. When they got to the house, Paulie said.“ Wow! That’s not a house, that’s a mansion.”
The house was very big on the outside. It was white and there was a porch surrounding it. Around the porch were very pretty flowers and hanging plants. In front of the house, in the middle of the lawn, was a big white fountain with a fish in the middle with water sprouting out of it’s mouth. The front of the porch was very big, and there was a big swing with a small wooden table next to it.
A tall, stocky, bald man was standing in front of the house waiting for them. “Welcome home sir.” The man said. “It is always good to see you.”
“Thank you.” Replied Drone. “I want your to meet my guests, Paulie, River, who is blind, and Brutus, my black bear friend. Brutus will stay out in the woods inside my property. Boys, this is Andric, my friend and butler, let’s go inside the house. Inside the house was the foyer, there was a table with one chair on each side, and a big mirror on the wall. On one side was a long stair case leading to the second floor, in front of them was a hall that led to the kitchen, it had a door on the side, that led to the dining room, and down the hall was a door that led to the kitchen. On the right of the entrance was the living room. The living room had oak furniture with brown flowered cushions on the sofa, and chairs. There was a table in each end of the sofa, with matching lamps on them. A picture of Drone was hanging on the wall behind the sofa.
Wow! This house is huge and the furniture is awesome.” Paulie said. “How did you become so rich Drone? You live in the mountains in a cabin at home. No one knows that you are rich.”
“You are quiet River.” Drone said .”What is the matter?”
“I am just listening.” River replied. “I cannot see, so I have to be acquainted with everything around me. When will we go to the city to see the doctors at the hospital? I want to know if they can help me get my eyesight back. That‘s why I came to the other side of the cave. I too want to know why you are rich Drone.”
“I will explain everything after we have taken a shower, eat and rest.” Drone said. “In the morning, I will take you to the city. Andric will take you to your rooms, you will both take a shower and come down to eat.”
Andric showed River how to get around the room. The boys took a shower, got dressed, and went downstairs to eat. The dining room had a long oak table and eight chairs, the walls had pictures of different animals, big and small. A big white-tail/mule deer chandelier hung on the ceiling above the table. Dinner was served by Cachita, one of the servants. Cachita was also Andric’s daughter. Dinner consisted of Chicken soup, Wild white rice, red beans, Porch chops, and French fries .The salad was lettuce corn and tomatoes. Dessert was vanilla split, covered with chocolate syrup, and they drank soda.
After dinner they went to the porch, River and Paulie sat on the swing and Drone sat in a rocker. “When I came here many years ago.” Drone said. “I did not have any money. I had found shiny rocks one side of the cave. I put some in my bags when I came. I went to the city, and was playing with one of the rocks. A man saw me playing and asked me where I had found the rocks. I told him I had found the rocks in a cave. I found out that the rocks were diamonds and were very valuable. I sold the diamonds, and that’s how I became rich. People here only loved me for my money, I was bored, missed my real home on the other side of the cave and went back. Once in a while I come here to see my friend Andric, find out how things are going and go back. The last time on my way back, there was a big storm, everything was flooded and I ran to the cave. I heard some one cry for help, when I turned around, it was a man and a woman. I yelled for them to get in the cave, and when I saw that they were safe I left and went home to the mountains I have seen many people escape those storms. When River said he was coming here, I knew I could help him. Now you know my story. Now go get some sleep we have to go to the city in the morning.”
River and Paulie went to bed, They were so tired they fell asleep. Drone went outside, gave Brutus food and said. My friend, while I go to the city with the boys, you can go to the woods, you may find your friends there. Good night.”
Brutus ate and disappeared into the woods. Drone went this room and went to sleep, he too was very tired.
The following morning, Drone sent Cachita to the stores, to buy clothes and shoes for the boys. When River and Paulie woke up, Andric gave them the clothes to wear and the shoes. River and Paulie put on their new clothes and went downstairs to eat breakfast.
“ I am taking River to the hospital to see the eye specialist.” Drone said. “After the doctor examines River, I will take you both around the City. I will describe everything to River as we go. I will also take you to a restaurant to eat lunch.”
After breakfast, Drone, River and Paulie walked outside. Andric was waiting for them in the car. “Wow, that is a nice car.” Paulie said. We don’t see a lot of cars where we live. Everyone rides either a horse or a wagon. Do you drive Drone?”
“Yes, I drive.” Drone replied. “Today Andric is driving us, because it is hard to find a parking space in the city. You will see for yourself.”
“I hope the doctor says he can help me get my eyesight back.” River said, “I also want to be able to see the city and everything.”
Stay tuned for Rivers adventure in the city, will the doctor be able to help River get his sight back? An exciting adventure will follow in chapter 6

Thursday, October 6, 2011

River Chapte 4-River goes to cave to visit other side


By Ruth M Garcia-Marmolejos

Chapter 4

River goes to cave to visit other side

River and Paulie enjoyed going fishing, and swimming in the river. Paulie noticed that his friend was too quiet and asked, “What’s the matter River? Anything wrong? You are too quiet.”

“Nothing is wrong.“ River replied. “I was wondering about the other side of the cave. Mother does not talk about it. Do you know anything about it?”

“I have heard a lot of things about it.” Paulie replied. “I heard that there are cities, a lot of people walking the streets, hospitals with doctors who cure people and other places besides the country life. I sometimes think about going there, but I know my parents will not let me. I am beginning to get bored here. I have even heard that there are a lot of pretty girls living there.”

“Why don’t we go and find out for ourselves.” River said”

“What! Are you nuts?” Our parents would never let us. Paulie said. “Maybe after we be 18 years old, then we will be adults and no one can stop us.”

“I can’t wait that long.” Said River. “That’s three years from now, I will talk with my mother, maybe somebody on the other side can help me to get my eyesight back. You said they have hospitals where doctors cure a lot of things. I am going home to talk with mother, you go and ask your parents. We can meet here tomorrow.”

“OK, but I know they won’t let us.” Paulie said.

River went home, and after having dinner, he asked his mother that he wanted to go to the other side of the cave. “My son, you are too young to be traveling anywhere.” Yamarah said. “Especially to the other side of the cave, where you cannot see and are not familiar with, you can get lost. No, I can’t let you go.”

“Mother, would you let me go if Drone took us?” River asked. “He knows his way there and will not let anything happen to me, besides, Paulie my friend is also planning to go with me.”

“Well, if Drone goes with you, I guess it will be OK.” Yamarah replied.

River ran to talk to Drone and asked. “Drone, I need a favor. Will you take me other side of the cave?”

Drone looked at the boy and replied. “Why do you want to go there? Did you ask your mother?”

“Yes, I asked mother.” River said. “Mother said if you go with me she will let me go. My friend Paulie wants to go with me. Please say yes, or I will go by myself anyway with or without you. I may not know my way on the other side, but I know how to go to the cave, and go to the exit. We will find our way some how. I want to find a doctor who can help me get my eyesight back. Paulie said that he heard people who live here, talk about it”

Drone knew that the boy would go by himself any way and did not want River to get lost and hurt himself. “Alright, I will take you.” Drone said. I will pick you up in the morning.”

River ran to tell Paulie, he could not wait until the next day. Paulie was going to the barn, and saw River running toward his house.

“River, I am over here,” Paulie yelled. “What are you doing here at this time. I thought we would see each other tomorrow.”

River walked over to Paulie and said. “My mother gave me permission to go to the other side of the cave. Drone is going with us.”

Paulie told his parents and also told them, that Drone was going with them. Paulie’s parents gave their permission.

River went home, and his mother helped him pack. “I am going to put your birth certificate in your bag in case you need it. River then went to bed.

The next morning, Drone and Paulie arrived to pick River up.

“Are you ready?” Paulie asked.

Yamarah had never met Paulie, she knew about him, because River was always mentioning him. “Are you Paulie?” Yamarah asked’

“Yes I am.” Paulie replied.

“Nice to finally meet you.” Yamarah said. “Do your parents know where you are going?”

“Nice to meet you too, Ma’m.” Paulie said. “Yes, my parents know where I am going, they also know Drone is taking us.”

River gave his mother a hug and a kiss. “Don’t worry Mother.” River said. “I will be back soon.”

Drone smiled at Yamarah and said. “Don’t worry Ma’m, I will take good care of them.”

River, Paulie, and Drone walked to the cave. Inside the cave, the light that was shining, was from the entrance. Drone took a torch that was on the wall and lit it with his lighter, Drone had a flash light, but wanted to save the batteries in case of an emergency.

It began to get dark and the only light they had was from the torch. Loud footsteps were heard stomping rapidly and getting closer to them.

“What is that?” Paulie asked trembling. “Sounds like a beast coming toward us.”

“Wow! Sounds like it’s coming toward us.” River said.

“AAAGHHH!!! Let me out of here,” Paulie screamed. Paulie tried to run, but his feet would not move. “Feet, this ain’t no time to freeze! Move! I am frozen, heeeelp!

“Shhh! Keep quiet.” Drone said. “Maybe if we keep quiet, whatever it is will go away.

The foot steps kept going nearer and nearer. Then a big growl.

“Nooo!!!!! Paulie yelled.

River gasped!!!!!

Stay tuned for Chapter 5