Saturday, November 12, 2011

RIVER-Chapter-9-River goes to college

By Ruth M Garcia-Marmolejos
Chapter 9
River goes to college
River showed Yamarah and Drone the fish he had caught, and said. “It is so good to be able to see the fish you catch,, and so many other things. I remember some things and colors vaguely. Mother, I am going to be 18 years old soon, I would like to go to school and learn to read with my eyes. You taught me to read and write Braille, but now I need to learn more and go to college. I want to go back to the city, there are more opportunities and better colleges. I want to be able to give you things that you deserve. That is, if Drone does not mind me staying in his house until I finish college.”
“Of course I do not mind.” Drone said. “That is a good idea, but you must not let anyone know about this place. It would also be a good idea for your mother to go visit, I am sure she would love to go.”
“I don’t’ know.” Yamarah said. “It is a good idea for you to go River, but as for me, I have not been to the other side of the cave since I gave birth to you. I do not even now if my family is still alive.”
“Please mother, say that you will come with us, please!” River said. “It’s only for a short vacation, Drone will bring you back.”
“I will bring you back.” Drone said. “We can also invite Nano and Marcela, my house is big enough for all.”
“OK, I will go.” Yamarah said. “Let me go and tell Nano and Marcella.” Yamarah went inside the house to give Nano and Marcela the news.
“May I invite my parents too Drone?” Paulie asked. “They have not gone to the city either.”
“Sure you can.” Drone said. We can leave Friday morning. We go very early, I do not want anyone to see us get out of he cave. I will call Andric once we get out of the cave. We can also find out if anyone in Yamara’s family is still alive. Andric can pick us up outside of the forest. I am going home now, I will see you all Friday morning.” Drone said his good-byes and went home.
“I will be so glad to go back.” Paulie said. “I want to see Cachita again, I also want to go to college in the city. I am going home, and ask my parents if they want to go with us. I will see you tomorrow.” Paulie went home.
Yamarah told Nano and Marcela about their plan to go to the city, but they said they wanted to stay home. “We are waiting for our son to return.” Marcela said. “He said he would come back, besides, we are happy here and have no one in the city. You go and be with your son Yamara, and do not forget us.”
“I am only going to accompany River and find out if anyone in my family survived the storm.” Yamarah said. “I have found peace and happiness here, I will come back soon.”
Friday morning, Drone went to pick everyone up. Yamarah told Drone that Nano and Marcela were staying. Paulie arrived and said his parents wanted to stay, they did not want to go back to the city. Everyone walked to the cave, and Bear followed. When they got to the other side of the cave, Drone walked out by himself, to make sure no one could see them, and called Andric. When he saw that all was clear, Drone signaled the others join him. Yamarah was amazed at how everything had changed. When they got to the end of he forest, Andric was waiting for them and drove everyone to Drone’s house.
Cachita was waiting outside and Paulie ran to hug and kiss her. “I missed you so much Cachita.” Paulie said.
“I missed you too Paulie.” Cachita said. “I am so glad you are back.”
“You have a beautiful house Drone.” Yamarah said.
“Thank you.” Drone replied. “Let’s go inside the house, Andric will show you to your room, Paulie and River know where their room is. Freshen up, then come downstairs and have something to eat.”
Bear went back to his friends in the forest.
Everyone went out to the porch, sat down on the chair, rocker and swing, River was quiet and looking around. “You are still looking for her hu?” Paulie said
“Who? ”Yamarah asked. “Who are you looking for River? You are very quiet and anxiously looking around.”
”The mystery girl he has heard but never seen.” Paulie said. “ A girl River calls Ylang, because he does not even know her name. She was with him all the times he was blind, no one has ever seen her. Ylang disappeared and no one knows who or where she is.”
“Do not worry, my son.” Yamarah said. “If it is meant to be, you will see her one day. You came here to learn to read with your eyes, go to college, and have a good future. I am sure the girl of your dreams will appear.”
River was homeschooled and learned how to read. Both River and Paulie went to the same college that Cachita attended.
Cachita introduced River and Paulie to all of her college friends. River was a little shy in the beginning, but then he got used to his new life in college. River was very intelligent , had very good grades in college, and enjoyed being with his new found friends.
River noticed that one of Cachita’s friend was always alone. “Cachita, who is your friend sitting near the fountain?” River asked. “She is always by herself?”
“That’s Yurania, the girl I had told you about.” Replied Cachita. “She has a complex about being overweight. She thinks none of the boys like her, and that the other girls don’t like for her to hang out with them. I have tried to make her realize that the other girls do not mind her being with us, but she is too shy.”
River walked over to Yurania and said “Hi, I am Cachita’s friend, my name is River. I am staying where Cachita lives until I finish college. Cachita said your name is Yurania, what an unusual but beautiful name.”
“Hello, I know who you are.” Yurania said with her head down. “Cachita told me all about you and your friend Paulie.”
“Why are you always by yourself Yurania.” River asked. “Don’t you like hanging out with us?”
“I am just shy.” Yurania replied. “Besides I like being alone.”
“Would you mind if I sat next to you?” River asked.. “We can talk, until it is time to go back to class?”
“Sure.” Yurania replied. “Are you sure you want to talk with a fat girl like me?”
River looked at Yurania, who was still talking with her head down , and gently grabbed her chin pushing it up, turning her face toward him and said. “You are not fat Yurania, you are a very pretty girl, I am very glad to be seen with you.”
River and Yurania spoke for a little while, and the girls were surprised to see River sitting and talking with Yurania. “Well, it looks like Yurania and River have become friends. Paulie said. “They been talking for a while.”
“This is the first time that I have ever seen Yurania talk to anyone.” Jon said.
“Maybe River feels sorry for Yurania.” Pamela said.
“Why would River feel sorry for Yurania?” Paulie asked. “Is there anything wrong with her?”
“Well, Yurania is so fat.” Pamela said. “River is so handsome, I don’t think he would go out with a fat girl.”
“I think Pamela is jealous because River is paying a lot of attention to Yurania.” Jon said.
“What is wrong with being fat?” Paulie asked, “Yurania is not that fat, she has a beautiful face, beautiful hazel green eyes, and looks like a very sweet girl.”
Pamela walked to where River and Yurania were, and said. “Come on River, the bell is about to ring, we have to go back to class.” Grabbing River’s hand, Pamela pulled him toward her, and said. “Hi Yurania, River and I will see you later, we are going to class now.”
The bell rang, and River looked at Yurania saying. “I will see you again tomorrow. It was nice talking to you, bye.”
Every day River and Yurania met at the fountain and talked about different things.
Pamela always tried to attract Rivers attention.
Graduation day was approaching and the Prom was going to be celebrated the same day River was to be 18 years old.
Who will River take to the Prom, which is also his birthday?
Stay tuned for chapter 10

1 comment:

  1. Wow, a lot going on in this chapter. I think you've done a great job laying out the story for the reader.
